
TOPIC (PDF = Later!): Coming soon!

The “Artemis Accords” are desirable (for India).
Resolved: The Republic of India should ratify the Artemis Accords.
Additional Research (Part-02): Here.


NASA has formally announced the “Artemis Accords” – a series of principles and processes whereby America and other countries would agree to a common set of principles covering how the Moon is to be explored and its resources utilized. But what are these accords and why do we need them? Given the renewed and expanded interest by many nations to explore the Moon this makes sense. There are two main issues involved here. One has to do with the common sense approaches that need to be made among multiple parties to ensure that things go smoothly. The other is the legalistic and diplomatic tedium that goes into international agreements.
What Are The Artemis Accords And Why Do We Need Them? (Space Ref [Blog], May 17, 2020)

On Oct. 13, NASA announced the completion of what it has called the Artemis Accords, an agreement among eight partner nations to cooperate and collaborate in future explorations of the moon and Mars, especially via participation in NASA’s Artemis program, which aims to land the first woman and the next man on the moon before the end of 2024. The seven other signatories to the pact include the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Japan, Luxembourg, the United Arab Emirates and Italy. But the accords are, in a sense, open source, with other countries invited to join if they both agree with the pact’s provisions and contribute to the joint enterprise in some way.
New Space Pact Seeks to Ensure Peace & Prosperity on the Moon (TIME Magazine, October 14, 2020)


What are the Artemis Accords?,
Center for Strategic & International Studies, May 18, 2020 [2 min]

United States drafts \’Artemis Accords\’ pact for moon mining,
WION, May 7, 2020 [2 min]

NASA’s Artemis Accords vs. China and Russia’s Space Dominance Ambitions,
Foreign Policy Association, March 7, 2022 [5 min]

[OPTIONAL] Should India join the Artemis Accords?,
Takshashila Institution, September 13, 2021 [4 min]
Note: This is important for those going to any tournaments in March [FYI].


A New Space Pact Seeks to Ensure Peace and Prosperity – on the Moon,
TIME Magazine, October 14, 2020 [PDF]

In 2022 a Moonrush will begin in earnest,
The Economist, January 1, 2022 [PDF]

The Artemis Accords: Repeating the Mistakes of the Age of Exploration,
Modern Diplomacy, June 10, 2020 [PDF]
Note: This is a 10-page document, but a lot of it can be skipped… please skim/read to the end. ty!


[VIDEO] The Artemis Accords: Past, Present, and Future,
Secure World Foundation, December 19, 2022 [110 min]
Note: Top experts will discuss the most relevant issues.


Bill Eddy,
714.655.8135 (I prefer text)
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