Spring 2024

Research & Homework

Magnet Learning Academy Homework

We do research and homework to help debaters prepare for upcoming classes and debate events:
Week 1: Students arrive having watched videos, read articles, and having written a t-chart or evidence.
Week 2: Students arrive having written evidence, arguments, and rebuttals vs each argument.
Week 3: Students arrive having completed all writing assignments and we do a full debate (PF or Skills).
Week 4: Students arrive having practiced their speeches & crossfires. [Full debate].
Week 5: Whenever we have a 5th week during a month, we arrive and do misc. activities & crossfires.
ZOOM: Here is the link for the online classes & online events: https://zoom.us/j/7146558135 (pw: magnet).


Owning Exotic Pets



In-Person Debate Classes (Grades 5-10):

FRI (3:50-5:20)], & FRI (5:30-7:00)].

HW Due (July ??, 2024): Week 1
A. ResearchPlease do the following research assignments…
1. Do the required research for [Geoengineering].
B. WritingPlease do the following writing assignments…
1. Create a T-chart with 3-5 facts w/sources for each side (Geoengineering).
Note: Here is a link to a sample T-chart… [T-Chart (Geoengineering)].
2. [Optional] Write two arguments for each side (4 total).
3. [Optional] Write rebuttals vs each of your arguments (4-Step refutation).
C. SpeakingPlease do the following speaking assignments…
1. Practice speaking from your t-chart/facts to prepare for some crossfires.
2. [Week 2  &3] Debate: Be ready to give debate speeches during class.
Note: Week 3 = Partial Debate (Speeches, Rebuttals, & Grand Crossfire)*
No 1-vs-1 crossfires = 2 min prep time before rebuttals.

Online Debate Class in Korea (Grades 4-6)

[Sundays (6:00-7:00 PM)].

HW Due (July 14, 2024): Week 1
A. ResearchPlease do the following research assignments…
1. Do the required research for [Geoengineering].

B. WritingPlease do the following writing assignments…
1. Create a T-chart with 3-5 facts w/sources for each side (Geoengineering).
Note: Here is a link to a sample T-chart… [T-Chart (Geoengineering)].
2. [Optional] Write two arguments for each side (4 total).
3. [Optional] Write rebuttals vs each of your arguments (4-Step refutation).
C. SpeakingPlease do the following speaking assignments…
1. Practice speaking from your t-chart/facts to prepare for some crossfires.
2. [Week 2  &3] Debate: Be ready to give debate speeches during class.
Note: Week 3 = Partial Debate (Speeches, Rebuttals, & Grand Crossfire)*
No 1-vs-1 crossfires = 2 min prep time before rebuttals.

Online Debate Classes (Grades 5-10):

[MON (7:10-8:10)], [WED (7:30-9:00)] & [FRI (7:30-9:00)].

HW Due (Monday Class, July 26, 2024): Week 2*
*MON Class meets 6-7pm on FRI (for two weeks?).
A. ResearchPlease do the following research assignments… None.
B. WritingPlease do the following writing assignments… None.
C. SpeakingPlease do the following speaking assignments… Crossfires!

HW Due (Friday Class, July 26, 2024): Week 1 
A. Research: Please do the following research assignments…
1. Do the required research for [Exotic Pets].
2. Watch the explainer video about [T-Charts].
3. Watch the explainer video about [Crossfire].
B. Writing: Please do the following writing assignments…
1. Create a T-chart with 3-5 facts w/sources for each side (Exotic Pets).
Note: Here is a link to a sample T-chart… [T-Chart (Exotic Pets)].

C. SpeakingPlease do the following speaking assignments…
1. Practice speaking from your t-chart/facts to prepare for some crossfires.

Online Debate Class in Korea (Grades 7-9)

[Sundays (7:00-8:30 PM)].

HW Due (July 14, 2024): Week 1
A. ResearchPlease do the following research assignments…
1. Do the required research for [Geoengineering].
B. WritingPlease do the following writing assignments…
1. Create a T-chart with 3-5 facts w/sources for each side (Geoengineering).
Note: Here is a link to a sample T-chart… [T-Chart (Geoengineering)].
2. [Optional] Write two arguments for each side (4 total).
3. [Optional] Write rebuttals vs each of your arguments (4-Step refutation).
C. SpeakingPlease do the following speaking assignments…
1. Practice speaking from your t-chart/facts to prepare for some crossfires.
2. [Week 2  &3] Debate: Be ready to give debate speeches during class.
Note: Week 3 = Partial Debate (Speeches, Rebuttals, & Grand Crossfire)*
No 1-vs-1 crossfires = 2 min prep time before rebuttals.


First Speaker Role = Present Arguments and do “Rejoinders”. / Second Speaker Role = Refute Arguments and do “Voting Issues”.

DEBATE VIDEO LIBRARY (Animated "Explainer" Videos)

First Speakers = Present Arguments and do “Rejoinders”. / Second Speakers = Refute Arguments and do “Voting Issues”.

Also… here is a PDF with some blank forms for Public Forum Debate. You may find them useful when doing your work [Forms]
*Videos* = Still in development and should be available fairly soon.


Bill Eddy,
714.655.8135 (I prefer text)
When contacting me, please include your name and class information (day/time). Thanks

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