Have you every really thought about where our food comes from?


Resolved: On balance, consuming meat does more harm than good.


Eating meat is a big decision that some people think a lot about. Some people choose not to eat meat because they want to protect animals and keep them safe. They believe that animals should live happily and not be used for food. Others eat meat because it gives them the protein and energy their bodies need, and they’re used to having it in their meals. This makes the choice hard because while we want to be healthy and strong, we also care about animals and the planet. It’s like being in a tug-of-war between doing what’s good for our health and what’s good for the environment and animals. Please read and consider the following list of pros and cons… can you do better? 😉

Not Eating Meat (PRO)

Not Eating Meat (CON)

Here are some pros and cons (do not yet have a source), that can be helpful in understanding the topic. [T-Chart].

  1. Saves Animals: Not eating meat helps save animals’ lives. Many animals are raised for food, and by choosing not to eat them, fewer animals suffer.
  2. Good for Health: Eating fruits, vegetables, and grains can make you healthier. These foods have vitamins and minerals that help your body grow strong.
  3. Helps the Planet: Growing plants uses less water and land than raising animals. Farms that raise animals make more pollution, so eating plants is better for the Earth.
  4. More Energy: Some studies suggest people eating plant-based diets may feel more energetic. Plants have nutrients that can help your body work well.
  5. Fun to Try New Foods: Being vegetarian means you might try new fruits, vegetables, and other foods you haven’t eaten before, which can be exciting.
  6. Keeps Heart Healthy: Eating plants can reduce the risk of heart disease. Vegetables and fruits have less fat than meat, which is good for your heart.
  7. Less Illness: People who eat more plants sometimes get sick less. Plants have fiber and vitamins that help keep you healthy.
  8. Animal Friends: Knowing you’re not eating animals can make you feel happy because you’re helping animals live better lives.
  9. Cleaner Planet: Eating plants leads to less pollution. Animal farms produce gases that are bad for the air, but plants help clean the air.
  10. Colorful Foods: Vegetarian meals can be very colorful. Eating a variety of colored foods means you’re getting lots of different nutrients.
  1. Missing Favorite Foods: You might miss eating foods like burgers or chicken. Meat is a common part of many meals, and changing habits can be hard.
  2. Harder at Parties: It might be difficult to find vegetarian food at parties or when eating out. Not all places have meat-free options.
  3. More Planning: You need to plan to make sure you’re getting all the nutrients your body needs. Without meat, you have to find other sources of protein and vitamins.
  4. Fewer Choices Eating Out: Some restaurants have limited vegetarian options. This means you might have fewer choices than friends who eat meat.
  5. Confusion from Friends: Friends might wonder why you’re not eating meat and ask many questions. They might not understand your choice.
  6. Need for Vitamins: Vegetarians sometimes need to take vitamins to get nutrients like vitamin B12, which is mainly found in meat.
  7. Cooking Challenges: Learning new vegetarian recipes can take time. It might be a challenge to cook tasty meat-free meals at first.
  8. Protein Attention: It’s important to eat enough protein, which meat provides. Without meat, you need to eat beans, nuts, and other protein-rich foods.
  9. Family Meals: If your family eats meat, you might need different meals, which can be complicated.
  10. Taste Adjustments: Your taste buds might need time to enjoy new vegetarian foods. Some foods taste different, and it can take a while to like them.


We ask that you watch all of the videos and read all of the articles and take light notes about the topic that you are researching. When everyone in class has watched/read the materials, it makes the learning better. We encourage students to do their own research in addition to the research provided (assuming you have time).

Required Research (Videos)

The Meatrix I, II, & II-1/2,
Animated Films, 2003+
[Part-01, 4 min], [Part-02, 4 min], & [Part-03, 3 min].

Is Meat Really that Bad?
Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell, November 30, 2021 [12 min]

Required Research (Articles)

Sorry Vegans: Here’s How Meat-Eating Made Us Human,
TIME Magazine, March 9, 2016

Food Safety (Meat Spreading Disease),
TIME for Kids, November 8, 2019

A Cleaner Meat (Meat Substitutes),
TIME for Kids, March 29, 2022


[Video] Pros and Cons of Eating Meat (April 2024),
Debate Matters, April 5, 2024 [5 min]
Alt: https://ai.invideo.io/watch/_706QnAHw5B

[Video] Negative Implications of Eating Meat (April 2024),
Debate Matters, April 5, 2024 [5 min]
Alt: https://ai.invideo.io/watch/FZcCBDxMZQO

[Video] Positive Implications of Eating Meat (April 2024),
Debate Matters, April 5, 2024 [3 min]
Alt: https://ai.invideo.io/watch/PMli8LwL0vd

[Video] Future of Meat Explained,
Vox Media (Documentary), November 14, 2019 [20 min]

10 Pros and Cons of Eating Red Meat,
LesMills Website, May 26, 2019

Should People Become Vegetarian?,
Procon.org, Last Updated: Feb 25, 2021

A Meaty Debate: Can Meat Fit into a Healthy Diet?,
Healthline Website, Last Updated: October 28, 2021

So your kid wants to be a vegetarian,
National Geographic, June 21, 2021


Bill Eddy,
 (I prefer text)
When contacting me, please include your name and class information (day/time). Thanks

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